The basket can be used for CASCARA tea or THE infusion.
ALL IN ONE basket designed for all your espresso needs. It really excels in light roast espresso. Make black, brew, cafè crème or espresso recipes with one filter. Use coarser grind coffee for lower pressure and longer time of extraction to make Brew or cafè crème.
Fits all 800 series 54mm Breville and Sage espresso machines: Express, Bambino, Bambino Plus, Impress, Barista Touch, Infuser, Duo Temp, Baristapro, BES450, BES500, BES880, BES810BSS, BES860XL, BES870XL, BES878
Change each line to ensure there are no duplicates in meaning:
1. Adjust the number to 53.35.
2. Modify the value to 53.35.
3. Update to 53.35.
4. Change the amount to 53.35.
5. Revise to 53.35.
IMS, ALL IN ONE by E&B, Lab basket can extract even finest grind - Turkish Espresso.