PERFECT FLAVOR - Fits much better than the standard VST portafilter basket. Includes a complimentary Gladwise coffee card!
IMS Precision Filter Basket tailored for Breville and Sage Espresso machines. Compatible with Express, Bambino, Bambino Plus BES450, BES500, BES880, BES810BSS, BES860XL, BES870XL, BES878. Size: 62.5mm in width, 28mm in height.
DESIGN IN MIND - This 18-22g basket has a 28mm height. Finished with AISI 304 Stainless Steel that eliminates any flavor being imparted by the metal. Works best with a 53mm - 53.5mm tamper.
INCREASED PERFORMANCE - Get better espresso extractions with the IMS portafilter basket. Precisely cut baskets with 641 evenly spaced 0.30mm diameter holes that create homogenous flow through the basket, making it easier for you to pull delicious espresso shots.